Jeulia Jewelry

Jeulia "Widow Spider" Sterling Silver Necklace

Product Descriptions
Item#: JESD0002
Jeulia "Widow Spider" sterling silver necklace, spiders are full of energy and creativity. They weave the web of reality and are symbols of soul and freedom. For the Altaic people in Central Asia and Siberia, spiders symbolize the liberation of the soul from the body. From a mystical perspective, spider silk is the foundation of spiritual development, while the West Africans call spiders Anasi, the ancestors of humans and creators of the sun, moon, and stars. In the West, people believe that spiders can bring good luck. If you find the starting point when spiders start building webs, you will always be lucky.
Necklace Information
Weight: 3.6 g
Width: 16.5 mm
Height: 13.5 mm
Thickness: 7.12 mm
Plating Color:
Length: 450 mm